You can't have a tech blog and not mention Apple's new iPad. The Wi-Fi version starting at $499 will be out around the end of March 2010, and the Wi-Fi with 3G version will be available one month after that for about $130 more. The good news about the 3G wireless access is that there is no service contract to sign for a specific period with AT&T; you only pay per month. The two plans will be either $15/month for 250MB of data usage or $30/month for unlimited data usage. Very exciting.
For additional details that you may not find on Apple's website, Engadget has laid out all that you may need or want to know.
Apple has now announced that the Wi-Fi version will be available on April 3, 2010, and will be taking pre-orders beginning March 12, 2010. Get you pre-orders in so you don't have to wait in line!